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Strange doings in Missouri

Buying up burner phones and missing propane tanks.

4 Responses to “Strange doings in Missouri”

  1. topofthechain Says:

    Did you see the late to the party report of a cache of explosives found in Phepls county, which is right next door to Fort Lost in the Woods, and the report of a group of men of Middle Eastern descent asking about touring Bagnell Dam by boat?

  2. topofthechain Says:

    Did you see the late to the party report of a cache of explosives found in Phelps county, which is right next door to Fort Lost in the Woods, and the report of a group of men of Middle Eastern descent asking about touring Bagnell Dam by boat?

  3. aerodawg Says:

    Between this and the size of the explosives lab CA jihad Joe and burka Barbie had compared to the number of bombs found, I’ll be shocked if there aren’t multiple coordinated attacks sooner rather than later

  4. Patrick Says:

    Propane tanks are shitty explodey things, even when filled. Where I live we call them “yard bombs” only cause they look like something dropped from a Buff during WWII (or WWI).

    But nobody leaves them above ground because according to the local propane suppliers (none named Hank), almost 3/4 of them will get holed by a shotgun, rifle or pistol within a few years. The only thing that blows up is your bill when your wife when she realizes you need to buy yet another 400 gallons of gas, plus pay for a new tank.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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