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Unclear on the concept

Speaking of the NYT, one of their typists is alarmed at the low level of security at a guns show.

20 Responses to “Unclear on the concept”

  1. oldgeezer Says:

    In all my years, I have never felt unsafe at a gun show, never heard of a stickup at a gun show or had anything stolen from my table. Security is EVERYWHERE. Duh – dumb f**kng liberals.

  2. Kristophr Says:

    Wrong kind of security, old geezer.

    The NYT clown was concerned about the lack of police there to keep us cousin humping red-neck retards away from those icky guns.

  3. aerodawg Says:

    How many mass shootings have occurred at gun shows again?

  4. rickn8or Says:

    oldgeezer, while I’ve been cheated a few times at a gun show, but I’ve never been robbed.

    And every time I was “cheated,” it was always self-inflicted; usually by convincing myself that a particular gun was something it wasn’t. Even then, I just kept repeating the mantra: “You didn’t pay too much for the gun, you just bought it too soon.”

  5. Kasper Says:

    “The gun lobby poisons these conversations. It pumps out and promotes a never-ending stream of worst-case scenarios until it builds a level of fear and paranoia that only profits gun makers and grinds all progress to a halt.”

    Wait, what? The “gun lobby” waits for politicians and editorialists to run their mouths and then disseminates the information far and wide to those of us who are concerned about such matters. Using their own words against them is hardly poisoning the conversation…

  6. SPM Says:

    I was always a bit of a tomboy, When I was little I loved going to gun shows with My father. I never once felt unsafe. But that was the 70s. When I go now all I see is like minded people, we all think the same thing. starting trouble there is like trying to hold up a doughnut shop.. I still get funny looks when I ask about pink duracoat.

  7. rickn8or Says:

    SPM, it’s a real treat to deal with people more paranoid than me.

  8. qmony Says:

    Thousands of guns, 100’s of thousands of rounds, thousands of people who know how to shoot. That is called an army, or a militia, if you will.

  9. Will Says:

    I read that piece yesterday and noticed that as well. Actually, I didn’t so much notice it as much as I read that part and felt confused and re-read it a couple times before I understood that he was, in fact, expecting there to be MORE security at a gun show than at the airport. I must have forgotten that, much like how airports have the TSA, there’s also the lesser known federal agency called the Gun Show Security Agency (GSSA) running all the security at gun shows. To prevent hijacked gun shows…

  10. mikee Says:

    I recall reading gun bloggers discussing how they get swept by muzzles (of supposedly unloaded firearms) at gun shows, or how when working a table they have to stop Cletus from picking up a firearm and walking off with it to show to Bubba, and how some of the heavily tattooed WWII memorabilia guys are a bit too enthusiastic over SS regalia. But unsafe? Only my wallet feels unsafe at gun shows.

  11. Ron W Says:

    But they’re not concerned about the low level or non-existent security in Federal gun free zones–like schools. That’s where the mass shootings have and keep on occurring and then reactionarily used by those who impose them.

  12. Chas Says:

    I’ve been watching Mr. Blow for some time. Yes, he comes across as a typical, “strong black man”, of the leftist variety, in his column, but when he’s on video, whining in support of gun control, suddenly the bald, macho black guy sounds like a girl.
    That works for the NYT, the gay lady, but does it work for the rest of most of America? I think not.
    This was not a harsh, anti-gun story. It was conciliatory. Maybe we can co-opt the ominous, and solemn Charles Blow. You know, he’s not a bad writer. Not bad at all. The solemnity of his style suits our purpose, armed freedom, exceptionally well. He really should be one of us, and we need him. Maybe that’s a good fit for both of us.

  13. JTC Says:

    Chas, no he’s doing a good job for us just as it is.

    That degree of cluelessness, whether delivered in a macho tirade or girly whine, can only help the cause.

  14. JTC Says:

    OT, but topical and relevant to a recent thread here on tangoism…

    Some bigoted dimwit commenter with the initials SB was claiming a while back that Tennessee towns are zero value targets in no danger of attack and awareness/preparedness/readiness was unnecessary…but apparently his hoosier homebase backwaters are higher value targets.

    Or not, because while the fake threats a few days ago were aimed at Gotham and Lalaland, these were for us dumb rednecks in fla and tx as well as smalltown hoosierville. Because see, a few real deal attacks can be and are being leveraged into lots of attack threats. And since those are real kids in those backwater schools and any one of the threats could be real, I guess even backwaters are defacto targets, whether it’s Hooterville, TN or Plainville, IN.

    Keep your eyes open and your condition orange, no matter where you are in America, you and yours are at risk.

  15. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Well, I’m not SB, but we do have some juicy targets up this way (and it’s Plainfield) though I can see a lot down there as well. Heck, just go rampaging through Sevierville/Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg on season, plenty of other tourist places, TVA dams, and schools are everywhere. I don’t mind saying, I don’t think muslims belong on a civilized planet, and anyone copycatting them should be parted out and sold for spares to offset what they cost us.

  16. batchainpuller Says:

    “The gun lobby poisons these conversations. It pumps out and promotes a never-ending stream of worst-case scenarios until it builds a level of fear and paranoia that only profits gun industry and grinds all progress to a halt.”

    Different species inhabiting the same space. I would have changed “gun” to “anti-gun” There, fixed it for him

  17. MAJMike Says:

    Mr. Evilwrench — Such eloquence should be encouraged.

  18. JTC Says:

    “(and it’s Plainfield)” not Plainville.

    Yeah I know, it was Plainfield and Danville, so…

    There ain’t no Hooterville, TN either; names changed to implicate the guilty (SB).

  19. Mr Evilwrench Says:


  20. Ron W Says:

    “The gun lobby poisons these conversations. It pumps out and promotes a never-ending stream of worst-case scenarios until it builds a level of fear and paranoia that only profits gun industry and grinds all progress to a halt.”

    The only real paranoia is from those who want to take our guns, but keep their’s. And what is the “progress” that “grinds to a halt”. Oh, could it be that those who want to take from others what they keep for themselves don’t get their evil way?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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