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Almost as dumb as a smart gun

A smart magazine, though the name calls it a clip.

11 Responses to “Almost as dumb as a smart gun”

  1. Shrimp Says:

    It works 99,999 times out of 100,000. Says so right in the copy. Not sure if that was meant to be a selling point, but, I’m not impressed. My magazines (oh, sorry, clips) all work without any electronic gizmo purposefully preventing them from working. If they don’t work, I toss ’em, and no real heartache over it ’cause they don’t cost that much. Which brings me to the next selling point.

    Priced somewhere between $150-200. But it can be reloaded (yayyy!) So can my low-tech no-BS-interference magazines (oh, clips, sorry) and they cost a hell of a lot less than $150. Still not impressed.

    Takes .7 seconds to recognize the preprogrammed fingerprint. How long does it take to draw the gun, place the correct digit on the biometric pad, only to discover it is the 1 in 100,000 times it isn’t going to work, per specs?

    Company is still looking for an additional $4M. May they forever be in search of it, too.

    And I don’t normally wish ill on any gun industry manufacturer, but I hope Check-Mate Industries finds themselves in bankruptcy court before this idea makes it off the ground.

  2. TS Says:

    Shrimp, you have to understand, to these people, a gun “safety” feature “works” when it doesn’t allow the gun to commit gun violence. I read that as one in a hundred thousand times it will allow a cartridge to chamber.

  3. JTC Says:

    I’m guessing them clips ain’t the drop-free kind.

    And Shrimp, don’t feel guilty about wishing them ill…this is not a gun industry manufacturer, but an anti-gun industry opportunist.

  4. RC Says:

    I’d like to have smart magazines when you can say, “Incendiary” and it chambers that kind of round. Or, “HE” and it chambers explosive rounds.

  5. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    I’d like to hope that Checkmate is just taking the project on to absorb the cash flow this dumbass has suckered these dumbfounded dipshit investors out of.

    They’re actually a good company; they’re the benchmark for M14 mags these days, and I personally have a stack of them. They have to know that at the price point alone, sales will be statistically zero units, nevermind having to ask the thing mother may I while under fire.

  6. Lyle Says:

    The clip loads bullets. This language must have been designed for the ignoracracy. If a clip that loads bullets is worth another four million, then what’s the worth of a magazine that feeds cartridges?

    Given that almost no one would buy such a foolish contraption, how would they expect to force people to buy it? Or would they be purchased by DEA and F-Troop and handed out for free to criminals, like free needles and condoms?

    Is this another Solindra? Take investment dollars including government subsidies, give it to Democrats, communist front groups and community organizers, file bankruptcy.

  7. Bill Says:

    I think that NYPD, LAPD, and Chicago PD should immediately adopt these magazines for their entire departments. What a great Test Bed for this technology.

  8. Will Says:

    As an added feature, it is not carry friendly. Way too long/bulky. Plus, how many impacts with door frames, chairs, and other objects will it take to make it non-functional in a time of need? Will it display a BSOD to let you know it died?

  9. SPM Says:

    I want a magazine that is smart enough to reload its self. (JARVIS voice) “Would you like FMJ or HP this time Ms/Mr ***?”

  10. Braden Lynch Says:

    Bill, the Secret Service should adopt them first.

    I won’t even consider such a silly technology until the security details for all politicians, celebrities, billionaires and the other elites use it exclusively.

    Seriously, I have to utter only one word that does not dip in to any great technological depth to make my point…batteries.

    Well, dead batteries, specifically. nSo, Check Mate and the 15 man team can all go pound sand because they are evil for proposing this crap that will get good people killed a lot before it supposedly saves a single life.

  11. Daniel in Brookline Says:

    …and if this technology is adopted, there will be legislation making ordinary magazines illegal, right?

    Don’t say it couldn’t happen. Massachusetts, California, New York, Colorado, and others have all banned certain magazines. We live in a country that has prohibited manufacture of *light bulbs*, fer Gossake.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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