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People must be getting smarter

Once again, survey shows fear of government leads to gun purchases.

6 Responses to “People must be getting smarter”

  1. tincankilla Says:

    the writer act like this hasn’t been the case since 1750 or so. americans care about political freedom and the arbitrary exercise of power.

  2. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    … and urinalists apply misleading data and draw hopelessly wrong conclusions.

  3. McThag Says:

    Am I the only one who twitched at the left handed 1911 in their pic?

  4. DADvocate Says:

    The greatest threat to the American people is the U.S. government.

  5. guy Says:

    the consequences of owning a gun can be a lot scarier than the fear that motivates the purchase.

    Like having to grow the fuck up and take responsibility for your choices and actions. Scary.

  6. DADvocate Says:

    Looking at the actual study, the link between gun purchases and government fear is a correlation, not causal comparative. The people who fear government don’t necessarily buy a gun because they fear government.

    I fall into that category. The fear of government falls into 4 categories:
    Government use of drones within the U.S.
    The Affordable Health Care Act, also called Obamacare
    Corrupt Government Officials
    Government restrictions on firearms and ammunition
    This is actually fear of specific aspects of government. I don’t see anywhere that the survey makes the direct connection of buying a gun because of fear of the government.

    I bought my first pistol because of a contract murder about a mile down the country road I live on. I wanted to make sure I have a fighting chance if some whacko kill turns into the wrong driveway. My secondary reason was fear of wild animals that might jump out of the woods when I take my long walks and bike rides.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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