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Notes on the debate

Yes, I watched. I’m not sure why I do that to myself. Anyhoo:

Why is John Kaisich still on the stage?

Jeb Bush perked up a little bit this time. Not sure it helped him much.

The questions this time were policy oriented and not media “gotchas”. And Trump didn’t seem to deal with details and complex issues. He kind of kept his mouth shot.

Fiorina did well. Unfortunately, like last time, you won’t hear a peep about her until the next debate.

Cruz nailed it on the issue of immigration. The line about “if journalists were crossing the border” was a nice zinger.

Rubio did pretty well but lost in his tangle with Rand. Of course, Rand beclowned Trump by pointing out the TPP had fuck all to do with China.

Seriously, why is John Kaisich still on the stage?

Ben Carson seems to have gained a bump in confidence and popularity after the media repeatedly lied about him.

And my guy, Rand, seemed to have the best performance he’d ever had. Going after the hawkish military spending, climate change, and the feds. And he had a great line: If you want less income inequality, move to a city with a Republican mayor

4 Responses to “Notes on the debate”

  1. Ron W Says:

    Rand’s father, Ron Paul, in debates back in 2012, distinguished between defense spending and militarism. That is, he was opposed to spending hundreds of billions, thousands of wounded and dead against countries which had no ability to attack us UNLESS WE ALLOWED them to do it. He didn’t do it last night, but Rand Paul had advocated declaring war against ISIS. That would be CONSERVING the Constitution.

    I always considered it Constitutionally Illegal, dangerous, reckless and treasonous that the U.S. went to war against Iraq and Afghanistan, yet left our borders undefended and continued to allow and even facilitate immigration from Islamic countries so that jihadists could enter, stay and find “aid and comfort” among Muslim communities. ( “Aid and comfort” to enemies is the Constitutional definition of ” treason”–Article III, Section 3)

  2. JTC Says:

    J. Bush is a pod.

    Kaisich is a nutcase.

    Fiorina is a shrew.

    Carson is on ‘ludes.

    Paul’s best outing…damning with faint praise.

    Rubio is bizarro Obama.

    Cruz should be prez.

    Trump can be prez and he only can beat the beast.

    Trump/Cruz ’16.
    Cruz/Rubio ’20.

  3. DADvocate Says:

    Paul is my first choice, also. I live in Ohio and voted for Kaisich for governor (because he wasn’t a Democrat). He’s embarrassing the state. Drop out, John, you don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell.

  4. Robert Says:

    “Why is John Kaisich still on the stage?”

    Because he keeps Jeb from being in dead last.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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