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She should take the smart Clinton’s advice

Bill Clinton warned of overreaching on control.

3 Responses to “She should take the smart Clinton’s advice”

  1. Ron W Says:

    To his credit, Bill Clinton seemed to have some respect for political compromise and for the Constitution, whereas Obama and Hillary Clinton do not and are openly proposing UNLAWFUL attempts to register and confiscate guns by invoking what was done in England and Australia.

  2. Rob K Says:

    I think you mean “smarter” one. He can’t be all that smart if he married her.

  3. Ron W Says:

    Rob K, well I suppose one can be “smarter” politically than they are in their personal lives. And where would Hillary be politically were it not for being married to Bill? Probably someone about whom most of us would have never heard. But IMO, she’s a more radical and dangerous left wing authoritarian than him.

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