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On the Dem Debate

I didn’t catch in live, I was traveling. Heard coverage on the radio today and perused the transcript. A few things:

Unlike the Republican debate pitting candidates against each other, this debate lacked the Candidate X said you suck, respond bit.

Bernie thinks the greatest security threat to us is people who disagree with him politically. And YOU GET FREE STUFF AND YOU GET FREE STUFF AND YOU GET FREE STUFF.

I’m glad the democrats are pushing gun control again.

And we’ve reached a point where the socialists can be open about being socialists. I guess that’s good.

10 Responses to “On the Dem Debate”

  1. Fake name Says:

    “Bernie thinks the greatest security threat to us is people who disagree with him politically.”

    “The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.”
    Karl Marx

  2. Rivrdog Says:

    Two words: “Who pays?”

  3. Bram Says:

    We’ve reached the point where we have communists running as socialists rather than socialists running as Democrats.

  4. Ron W Says:

    Rivrdog, same as who’s been payin’ and the Fed can always print more fiat money.

  5. nk Says:

    A commenter at Patterico’s put it well: It was not a debate; it was a socialist rally.

  6. nk Says:

    I know, I know, the hidden c-word in the s-word.

  7. Ron W Says:

    I thought it “rich” that HRC came down hard on Edward Snoden, he broke the law and he needs to face the music”!!!

  8. mikee Says:

    Hillary is going to win the presidency. God help us all.

  9. Huck Says:

    “A commenter at Patterico’s put it well: It was not a debate; it was a socialist rally.”

    No shit. It just need to be held in a huge stadium to be a imitation of the Nuremberg rallies.

  10. Ron W Says:

    Huck, great description except for Jim Webb being the lone voice of sanity. He even denounced Obama’s executive orders in favor of the Constitutional legislative process.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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