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Colbert and Bush and Guns

Colbert lies about guns. Bush seems kind of bored by the whole thing.

3 Responses to “Colbert and Bush and Guns”

  1. Patrick Says:

    “Bored” is the word I most often associate with Jeb. As in, “I am bored when I listen to him” or, “he looks bored pretty much all the time.”

    Either way – bored.

    Hell, he is openly touting that his strategy to win nomination is to sit in the back of the room and wait out all the other guys. Boring is the central tenet of his campaign.

    We tried that last time.

  2. HL Says:

    Shockingly, Bush recognized the 10th Amendment in the interview when Cobert said he didn’t feel safe in a gun friendly state like Florida, or something.

  3. Sebastian Says:

    Jeb! is done. Stick a fork in him. The idea that “serious” people dumped 100 million down this loser still amazes me. I’m holding out hope Trump’s role in all this will be to hammer the final nail in Jeb!’s campaign, and open the door to other non-estabishment candidates. But that’s probably very optimistic. The best role Trump could play is to show the emperor (establishment) has no clothes. The worst is actually riding the populist fire all the way to the White House.

    I’ve been talked to Bitter for more than a year now that if the GOP doesn’t wean itself off the stupid, and start accepting its coalition is broken and figure out how to pick up new voters, it’s going to be swept aside by a populist fire that neither party will be happy with. Trump very might well be that fire. God help us.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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