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Apple releases The Surface

Why, it’s got a smart keyboard and a stylus.

Funny part is it was predicted in a comic.

They do tend to make a lot of money stealing other people’s ideas and making them a little prettier.

6 Responses to “Apple releases The Surface”

  1. JK Brown Says:

    At least they abandoned the Max iPad.

  2. Ken in NH Says:

    Yep. To the “journalists” and fanbois, it doesn’t exist until Apple sells it. Just like ISIS/Softcard and Google Wallet didn’t exist before Apple Pay. I must’ve merely dreamed I had payed for things for the last two years using my Android phone equipped with NFC and Google Wallet. I hadn’t realized it wasn’t possible until Google played catch up with Android Pay.

    Despite my snark, it was both hilarious and depressing to see a news article touting a McDonald’s memo to store managers telling to be prepared as Android Pay and Samsung Pay would be supported soon! Uh, guys I’ve used Google Wallet at your stores long before Apple Pay existed.

  3. Nolan Says:

    I’m amazed that the copyright date is 2012, and it says “in three years”… It’s 2015 now.

  4. Linoge Says:

    Copying or not, I have to be impressed by a business model that basically boils down to slapping a certain logo on pre-existing technology and resting assured that millions of people would pay inflated prices for that logo.

    Talk about brand management.

  5. The_Jack Says:

    Linoge: If you can convince customers that your product is a Veblen good (or is a positional good more accurate a term?), despite its mass production and market saturation then your margins become quite comfortable.

  6. Sebastian Says:

    That’s what Apple is doing now because Tim Cook is a useless shite. The fundamentals of how a tablet and smart phone should work was developed by Apple. It’s predecessor, the Blackberry was garbage. Having supported them, I hated the Blackberry with ever fiber of my being. Smart phones sucked until the iPhone, and I had a lot of them. Windows tablets and phones that were uninformed by Apple’s design were utter shit. Microsoft is one of those uncreative companies out there in the tech space. Microsoft had no idea even how to do a tablet. Android wasn’t even a glimmer in Google’s eye until the iPhone. This is history repeating itself again. Apple is, when it’s in the right space, a great innovator. But no one who’s name is not Steve Jobs has been able to run Apple effectively, and Tim Cooke is no exception. I don’t have high hopes for Apple’s future. I lived through Scully, Spindler, and Amelio as CEO, when they were playing catch-up. Apple was at the end of its rope when they bought NeXT, brought Steve Jobs Back, and turned NeXTStep into OS X. But that won’t happen this time. Cook is more interested in pushing progressive politics through Apple’s brand than he is about ensuring Apple’s future.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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