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Guns in university housing

Interesting case from FL:

A state appeals courts is set to hear arguments on whether guns should be allowed at University of Florida residence halls.

The 1st District Court of Appeal next Tuesday is scheduled to take up a case filed by the group Florida Carry Inc., which says people have a legal right to possess firearms in their homes, including in university housing. An Alachua County circuit judge last year sided with the University of Florida in rejecting the groups arguments in the case.

In court briefs, Florida Carry pointed to a state law that seeks to ensure people can have firearms in their homes and to the U.S. Constitutions 2nd Amendment. It said the state law about guns in homes supersedes another law that generally bars guns at schools and colleges.

One Response to “Guns in university housing”

  1. mikee Says:

    Charles Whitman, the University of Texas tower shooter in 1966, was impeded in his murderous rampage in part by students firing back at him, using their hunting rifles which were legally kept in their dorm rooms at the time.

    Amazingly enough, the local police had no trouble determining who the “good guy” rifle shooters were, and none of them were shot.

    Amazingly enough, the random civilians with firearms had no trouble determining who the “good guy” rifle shooters were, and nobody shot anyone else on the ground.

    We have evidence from almost 50 years ago that the concerns raised by the current crop of hand wringing PSH-ers are invalid.

    Let’s demand they provide instances demonstrating their positions rather than mere worries, concerns, predictions, feelings. If they cannot, their arguments should be dismissed as the BS that they are.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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