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Does that include your taxpayer funded security detail?

Bill Clinton Says ‘You Can’t Have People Walking Around With Guns’

11 Responses to “Does that include your taxpayer funded security detail?”

  1. Crawler Says:

    In the real world, no free and rational thinking individual would pay one iota of attention to anything said by the impeached liar, phony and grifter.

    But, since his numero uno fan club, the slobbering media, licks his sorry derriere every chance they get, he will continue to be a scumbag who is put on the national pedestal for all the naive and the dumbed-down to praise.

    But most Americans know better.

  2. Ron W Says:

    He’s still working to take from others what he keeps for himself.

  3. Lyle Says:

    It’s simply an incorrect statement. I can, and do, have people walking around with guns.

    So is he insane, or a liar, or both? In any case, no one has any logical reason to listen to a word he says.

  4. Deaf Smith Says:

    I can we can’t have serial pedophiles walking around to, but we do have Clinton.

  5. JTC Says:

    “…most Americans know better.”

    Ah,ha,ha,ha…oh man, that’s hilarious.

    As I said in your prior post when I linked you this story by CNN, the BitchBeast who is married to this pervert is using him as her advance man in what will be the real deal gungrab attempt that the 0 doesn’t have the balls for but “she” does…”will be”, not might be.

    Most Americans know better? Killin’ me man…

  6. Crawler Says:

    I think I have a better chance of herding cats for a livin’ than Shillary and Billary infesting the White House again.

  7. JFM Says:

    I think people shouldn’t be paid more than $50 an hour for speaking in front of groups. Otherwise, some people might see that as a bribe.

  8. JTC Says:

    Crawler, it’s a bet I desperately hope to lose, but you have *way* too much confidence in the intelligence of the “electorate”.

    Pro tip: Herding cats is much easier with a good .22, and much more fun (maybe a 10/22, you know, nine lives and all that).

  9. mikee Says:

    Bill is just projecting his own instabilities, presumptions and predilections upon the rest of society in this statement.

    He knows there is no way a human being can resist any impulsive behavior, like accepting the sexual advances of an intern, because he himself could not, cannot, never will.

    So he projects his own immaturity upon all others, expecting the mere presence of a firearm to provoke violent behavior by the owner.

    Bill is one sick fuck. His wife is even worse.

  10. Lyle Says:

    There is no quorum requirement in a presidential election, so Billary could win with only a few votes. If Jeb is nominated, it pretty well ensures a Democrat win because there will be no point in conservatives/libertarians voting. Bitch could win with only a few million teachers’ union votes.

  11. emdfl Says:

    Bill doesn’t consider himself and his ilk to be “people. they are “PEOPLE” and therefore not bound by any restrictions on the “people”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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