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Not exactly a good ambassador for firearms rights

Get off my team!

6 Responses to “Not exactly a good ambassador for firearms rights”

  1. Phelps Says:

    Right, because the second amendment is only about protecting people that the Power that Be are cool with them carrying a gun anyways.

    Stop being a Fudd. Being .2% Fudd is just as unhelpful as being 100% Fudd.

  2. Shrimp Says:

    From Aaron’s response about said open carrier:

    “Let’s put it this way. If Mr. Nixon gets into a confrontation that leads to a shooting, and there is any question at all as to his being possibly the aggressor and not an innocent victim of an attack, guess what? All his videos showing him going about aggressively while armed are certainly going to come into evidence. Guess what that will do to his claim of self defense before a jury?”

    Isn’t that a self-correcting problem? If the guy’s that much of an ass, he ends up in jail, hoisted on his own petard, as it were. That’s all on him.

    One thing that always bothers me about these open carry videos is that unless you know those involved, and know the history of the particulars involved, you DON’T KNOW whether or not there’s history of some sort that explains why they’re doing what they’re doing. Maybe that department has a real history of harassing people who legally are carrying in the open. And maybe this guy is bringing the fight right to their front door because of it.

    My attitude is, he STILL has the right to carry a firearm openly, AND to be an ass. As long as he isn’t breaking the law, leave him be.

  3. Yu-A in Gonnano Says:

    Just like a biker wearing a 1%er gang jacket (and they are every bit the gang the Bloods & Latin Kings are) communicates some quite relevant information about himself and you would be a moron for ignoring it. A guy wearing a gun and acting aggressively also communicates some pretty relevant information.

    Hint:it isn’t that those around you are safe from harm.

    If you want to wear a gun and be aggressive, don’t be shocked when people believe you.

  4. Rivrdog Says:

    One other thing: that Shekel link has a zombie-claw in it: you can’t back out once you go there. At least not with Droid.

  5. Aaron Says:


    Nah,this guy is an attention whore or perhaps even an anti-gunner playing at trying to make gun owners out to be aggressive idiots. He’s caused a school to go into lockdown twice by parading around it (not on his way to anywhere and no, he doesn’t have kids at that school either) as well as falsely claiming to be a journalist while filming the county jail apparently while armed, and then filming the sheriff’s cars while armed. If you don’t think that’s proper cause for police to approach and investigate to see if he’s stable or some guy about to go loco, I’m not sure what is.

  6. Shrimp Says:

    Well, I don’t know the guy, so I’ll take your word for it.

    All I wonder is, are any of the activities he allegedly did illegal? Claiming to be a journalist isn’t a crime, I don’t think. Filming a police officer or a jail or a police car isn’t a crime, AFAIK, armed or otherwise. Schools go into lockdown for all kinds of reasons (my kids’ schools do, anyway).

    ((As an aside, I jog past at least three schools and my kids do not attend two of them. I am always legally armed. If I am stopped for some reason, will I be “parading” around a school my kids don’t attend?))

    All I’m saying is, he can be an asshole, if he wants. He STILL has rights. He shouldn’t expect my support if he is an asshole, but if he didn’t actually violate the law, he shouldn’t expect to be bothered by the police, either.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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