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At the NRA Annual Meeting

A class on Shooter Self Care

And Glenn is speaking at the Firearms Law Seminar.

4 Responses to “At the NRA Annual Meeting”

  1. Lyle Says:

    Sorry about this but;
    “I had to increase the fee, as I have to rent a room and cover expenses. I’m not getting rich on this one, but I can’t go in the hole, either.”

    Such a disclaimer is insulting. Who but a two-year-old would need to be told that things cost money? Which two-year-olds are you listening to, leading you to feel that you need to explain something like that, for God’s sake? Charge what you need to charge and don’t apologize for it. Some people will be able to afford it and others won’t. Some will be able to understand the value of your product and others won’t. That’s a simple and automatic selection process. If you start out by saying, “Now Johnnie, you first must understand that renting a room costs money…” Then I’m going to be about one fourth as likely to want to hear anything else you have to say, because now I’m thinking you’re quite possibly a dumb ass who hangs out with other dumb asses and why would I want a piece of that?

  2. Ambulance Driver Says:


    Okay, then.

    I taught the class last year for the cost of the kits. Didn’t want any money. Brownell’s paid for the refreshments. Lots of people talked up the class and said nice things about it. Many of the people taking the class this year are doing so based on word of mouth from last year.

    This year, I had to rent a room, so I had to up the price. I figured it was the nice thing to do to explain why.

    If that torques you off, I got nothing for ya.

  3. KM Says:

    AD, I wouldn’t take a class because I was a Medic for 28 yrs. I don’t need a course on how to plug holes, establish/maintain airways, blah, blah and have my medbag stocked with the whole gamut of neat goodies. But God Bless You Brother! for providing the class for folks that might be new to the modalities/mechanics of doing EMS stuff.
    They might be on the range when *I* need help.

    Lyle, if AD’s “disclaimer” was insulting, you REALLY don’t want to be around seasoned emergency medical folks for any length of time. Thick skin is required and a willingness to learn is essential.
    If an explanation on why it costs more than last year is a deal breaker, don’t go…but don’t drop trou and take a dump on the whole idea.

  4. tincankilla Says:

    great class, but I was shocked by the term “self-care”. I thought for a second that the NRA was getting out ahead of an issue: training members about spotting signs of emotional disturbance that might lead to suicide. it’s an issue of pretty huge significance to the shooting community.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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