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Marine Corps Times:

In a Marine Corps first, the service recently added a Glock pistol to its list of authorized individual weapons, optics and modular attachments.

However, the 9mm semi-automatic Glock 19 pistol is officially approved for use only by personnel assigned to Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command, according to a force-wide message issued in mid-February. In fact, the pistol will carry a non-Marine inventory number because it is a U.S. Special Operations Command asset, according to the message.

I wonder why the 19 over the 17? Seems to me concealment wouldn’t be a primary concern.

7 Responses to “Progress”

  1. SPQR Says:

    Maybe its an undercover sidearm. Wonder if it will lack US property markings too?

  2. Paul Kisling Says:

    The Unauthorized carry list is much larger.

    If your CO is awesome and does not care about promotion he or she lets you carry whatever.(Someone who became an officer for the Education and is getting out asap.)

    If the CO wants to be promoted then they turn into letter of law types with frozen carrots shoved up their asses.

  3. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Thinkin maybe we should look into something like an oh, 1910 or something. I realize it would be a change of caliber, and it’s been around for a while, but there’s just something about that pistol that makes sense to me.

  4. Kevin Says:

    According to a guy who works for a different part of SOCOM talking to me a few years ago, they got the G19 into the system by producing needs document for a concealed gun. They really wanted the G17, but the Beretta already filled that role for the US military.

  5. Stretch Says:

    I’m don’t think Sgt. Hanneken would approve.

  6. Gerry Says:

    Probably for personal security details. Sig 228/M11 was the choice for that at one time.

  7. AK™ Says:

    Nah..our military should go bigger than the Beretta M9 and the .45ACP 1911..

    Desert Eagle Mark XIX in .44MAG. When you run dry on ammo,you have a nifty paperweight,tent peg,wheel chock,improvised bludgeoning tool,improvised sledge hammer.

    Alton Brown isnt a fan of uni-taskers..but I think he might like the Deagle brand Deagle in the hands of the Army,Devil Dogs and Navy. Maybe even the Costa-Guard..

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