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Like you and me, only better

Hey, that’s my meme!

Seen at Jeff’s:

Police officers, military service members and armed security guards would not have to go through background checks to purchase guns in Washington state, under a series of bills debated in Olympia Monday.

3 Responses to “Like you and me, only better”

  1. DocMerlin Says:

    So much for equal protection.

  2. Cargosquid Says:

    So….Major Nidal Hasan would get a pass if military members get a pass. Security guards? Really?

    Having been both military and armed security, I say if no one else gets a pass, then they don’t deserve one.

  3. R Says:

    Washington Law requires armed private security guards to be armed with company owned weapons. The SAF lawsuit against I-594 includes both representative security guards and PI’s (both state licensed occupations which require passing background checks) who can’t transfer guns back to the corporate armory or oncoming shift without a full background check. I’m assuming that they have been lobbying for a specific exemption to I-594 so they down’t have to await the outcome of litigation.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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