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FCC’s Internet Power Grab

Remember when the .gov was mad because all it took to start a radio station was starting a radio station? Of course not, you probably weren’t around then. Well, they couldn’t have just anyone taking to the airwaves and saying what they wanted. So, they federally regulated radio. The FCC is wanting to do the same to the internet.

2 Responses to “FCC’s Internet Power Grab”

  1. Fiftycal Says:

    Oh, don’t forget the REAL REASON Obama and the prog/socialists want to move to a Title II designation for ISP’s. They can TAX THE SHIT out of it, and of course, YOU! Look at your phone bill. How much of that is TAX? Remember when the TAX for the Spanish/American WAR was paid off? The war was in the 1890’s. The TAX was paid off in 2000! And of course, the prog/socialists could try and TAX people, like this blog, that they don’t “like”.

  2. tincankilla Says:

    sorry, but ISPs have already run ragged over the consumer. we pay far more than other countries per MB of data, we have less choice and terrible service due to anti-competitive practices, ISPs have congress eating out of their hands, and our personal information is already handed over to the national security state. All that already existed when BO took office in 2008.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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