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Sign of the times

So, once again, ISIS killed someone in a horrible way, by setting him on fire. That video and the previous beheadings and such show that ISIS does video montages, three camera shoots, introspectives, and a variety of other sophisticated video editing techniques. They even have hashtags to let twitter supporters tell them how to kill people. In other words, they have a marketing department.

And a reasonably professional one.

Well, about as professional as Shannon Watts’ hashtag activism, I guess.

5 Responses to “Sign of the times”

  1. Phelps Says:

    They are certainly more productive than the jenyuses that came up with Pajama Boy and Julia the Government Dependent.

  2. Chris Says:

    I had forgotten about Pajama Boy (at least I think it was a boy, but I’m not entirely sure) and Life of Julia.

    I would like to take the remaining Gitmo prisoners, shackle them together and push them out of a C-130 (or whatever its successor is) over Damascus.

    Followed closely by a trailing plane spreading swine entrails, of course.

  3. Paul Kisling Says:

    Actually the ISIS one is better. They don’t have a billionaire contributor in a first world nation doing all of the heavy lifting.

  4. SPQR Says:

    ISIS propaganda is actually very effective for its target audience – psychopathic muslim jihad cannon fodder in the West.

    Its how they’ve gotten thousands of western muslims to show up with western dollars and be cannon fodder for them.

  5. Ron W Says:

    Time to dust off those neutron warheads which,once upon a time, were deployed in Central Europe to be used against Warsaw Pact personnel .

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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