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What 4th amendment?

The police have radar that can look inside your house.

5 Responses to “What 4th amendment?”

  1. SPM Says:

    The next time I repaint, I want to do a under coat of lead based paint of a big middle finger on all 4 walls.

  2. Paul Kisling Says:

    This tech is nothing new. Had a girlfriend back in 2005 who advised the DHS and she mentioned this very gizmo, being a prototype. The handheld version you are seeing is kind of the tip of the iceberg.

    The larger vehicle mounted version can see into your house from up to 500 feet line of sight.(Of course that was 2004 so I am sure it is much better)

    There is a secondary system that actually allows a computer to make a rendering of what your house looks like so they can know if there are areas not on the original floor plan.

    Bear in mind it has diffusion trouble with aluminum siding.

  3. comatus Says:

    I’m always pointing out, real tin foil is very expensive.
    I wrapped my house in metallic Mylar sheet years ago.

  4. Chris Says:

    Don’t worry, we will be able to buy this at gun shows someday soon, along with night vision scopes and binocs, tasers, auto-knives, etc.

  5. Jeff From DC Says:

    I sees you poops!

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