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But for video

Remember that police man who shot himself because the clerk handed him a loaded gun and the police man didn’t follow safety rules so he’s suing the gun shop? Well, there’s video.

3 Responses to “But for video”

  1. Lyle Says:

    Neither one look like they’ve ever been instructed in gun handling. No apparent awareness of muzzle or muzzle direction. The fool behind the counter looked like a total newbie filling for a friend. The judge should throw out the case, and recommend them both to some training.

    Oh and; stuff happens. That stuff happens is not grounds for a law suit.

  2. KM Says:

    The gun shop is fucked.
    The cop/customer is an idiot and SHOULD know better.

    That won’t help the gun shop, they’re fucked.

  3. bob r Says:

    On the basis of the video, I’m not 100% convinced that the cop didn’t load that gun himself. With a little practice, I think I could palm a cartridge into the chamber while racking the slide.

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