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Compare and contrast

I suppose that’s a fair point.

Another would be one guy is using appropriate eye and ear protection while firing a gun. And the other is not and is posing.

I have no doubt Pootie Too Good could handle a weapon better, though.

4 Responses to “Compare and contrast”

  1. rickn8or Says:

    “Tiger” versus “pussy”…

  2. KM Says:

    Everytime I see that phony photo the WH released it cracks me up! Maybe that should be the Phony’s photo…

  3. tincankilla Says:

    Putin’s holding an ak-74, which means recoil is next to zero. if he actually fired it, the photogs and the pretty lady would all suffer hearing loss with that muzzle break.

    but no doubt that the man has spent time behind a trigger, most likely offing democracy advocates in the 70s and 80s.

  4. Lyle Says:

    Two photo ops. The American done better than the Russian one. What’s new? Democrats spend more money trying to fool people, whereas the Russians just have to kill a few million people here and there to keep the others in line.

    Does anyone else see an excessive amount of smoke coming from the shotgun? Sure; “smokeless” powders still smoke a bit, and some more than others, but that looks more like the cloud you’d get from black powder or Triple Se7en.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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