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There ought to be a law

A new law in TN says your boss can’t make you be friends on facebook:

“The new law says an employer cannot force you to tell them your social media passwords or login to let them see what you’re doing. That seems obvious to most people. But what an employer also cannot do anymore is tell an employee or applicant, I need you to ‘friend’ me on Facebook, or I need you to friend me on Instagram, or follow me on Twitter. That way I can see what you’re doing,”

6 Responses to “There ought to be a law”

  1. Jake Says:

    a) Consider changing jobs. An employer that’s that nosy into your personal business is an employer that will try to control your life outside work. That’s an employer that you don’t need.

    b) If (a) is not an option, set up dummy accounts. They can watch the fake you do nothing until you can get a new job.

  2. mikee Says:

    I’d simply ask what the employer intended to pay me for allowing this access to my personal information outside of work related duties.

    If someone wants to pay me to Facebook, maybe if they offer enough I’ll do so.

    Otherwise, if it isn’t on their dime, they don’t get to use my work product for their purposes.

  3. KM Says:

    Like social media is “private” anyway.
    Making it easy for some nosy dweeb to spy on you is dumb but not giving up your Bookface info is hardly a vault.

  4. Paul Kisling Says:

    I am wondering what kind of Professional has a facebook page? Its Linked In or nothing these days.

  5. benEzra Says:

    Paul, anyone who uses Facebook in her/his personal life to keep track of distant friends and family. Eavesdropping on that communication is waaaaay outside an an employer’s purview.

  6. dustydog Says:

    Recall that the Obama administration demanded all online account names and passwords, for people applying for appointee positions and senior service positions.

    Reminds me that we need a law mandating that anyone wanting to run for president has to submit the birth certificate, all transcripts, and all performance evaluations.

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