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Atlas mugged

In other news, they still make atlases?

3 Responses to “Atlas mugged”

  1. Phelps Says:

    One of the key advantages of my local makerspace is that they have a wide format printer. That means that I can download the new topo maps from the USGS for free and turn on and off the layers that I want (I tend to turn the images (sat photos) on, leave on all the roads and road names, keep the USNG lines and topo contours, but turn off the elevation labels.

    Print that on a wide format printer, and you have a cheap, full size topo map with a current sat photo underlaid and military style grids. My makerspace only charges $1 a foot (24″ wide) for materials (plus membership fees.) Then you are just a youtube video away from learning how to fold it correctly.

  2. JKB Says:

    Well, a few rich residents have effectively hid the Hollywood sign on Google and Apple maps. So why not erase Israel.

    Of isn’t much of a reference book if you can’t trust the accuracy of the data

  3. CaptDMO Says:

    I wonder what percent of Jewish “deciders” work for Harper Collins publishing?
    I wonder what percentage of Jewish “deciders” worked in Hollywood, gaining approval of the pre-war NAZI Party, for films to meet “local approval” in overseas distribution?
    Hey, a Shekel is a shekel, right?
    Harper Collins, got that?
    Scrubbing of “history” and “photo-evidence”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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