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Sounds like a party

Where Great Britain Used To Be, the nannies have banned certain kinds of porn. So, protesters are planning a, uhm, face-sitting-in.

9 Responses to “Sounds like a party”

  1. bluesun Says:

    Silly lawmakers should have known better than to take away the bread and circuses!

  2. mikee Says:

    Well, some of the more esoteric acts in the circus, anyways.

  3. Paul Kisling Says:

    Not sure which is worse. The ban or the protest.

  4. SPQR Says:

    I love a lot about Britain, but the current occupants are insane.

  5. comatus Says:

    Every 19th century personage who came down with a dose of pox claimed to have contracted it from a circus performer. You may make of this, sir, what you will.

    And, On The Continent. Not wholesome English circuses.

  6. Robb Allen Says:

    This week’s Oglaf seems apropos (NSFW)

  7. M. Python fan Says:

    While this may be a humorous concept and a small group effected, it is a very real assault on freedom.

    First they silenced the face sitters…

    There was none left to speak for me…

  8. M. Python fan Says:


    The o fell out of no one in my post above.


    The topic is serious too! Porn IS a test of free speech. When you feel okay saying “everyone should be able to speak on the village green, except HIM, he’s weird…” You are part of the problem. That is also aggression, just like shouting “fire” ( to provoke ) in a crowded theater is aggression. You may not like what they say, but you don’t have to listen.

  9. Sigivald Says:

    While I agree it’s an utterly stupid law, it is worth noting that they banned making those kinda of porn in the UK, not watching or possessing them.

    It’s still a free speech issue, but it should be reported accurately.

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