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Speaking of ferguson

Peaceful protest: Immigrant beaten to death with hammers.

6 Responses to “Speaking of ferguson”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    So they don’t know what the motive is, but it’s not racism. Uh huh.

    I also like the insinuation that the victim provoked them. Thats a nice touch.

    I’m sure three teenagers were out at 1am with hammers for reasons other than bludgeoning some random dude….

  2. rickn8or Says:

    I’m sure three teenagers were out at 1am with hammers for reasons other than bludgeoning some random dude….”

    Habitat for Humanity volunteers headed for choir practice??

  3. Jeffersonian Says:

    I understand that some in the media are investigating reports that the perps may have been gentle giants. I don’t have that answer but I know they were mostly peaceful as in between blows they were barely hitting him at all.

  4. HL Says:

    More Uruk-Hai.

    What can men do against such reckless hate?

  5. Phelps Says:

    Thank god the Bosnians don’t have any history of ethnic violence and grudge settling or this thing might get out of hand.

  6. Ron W Says:

    Obama needs to consider a new executive order to prevent “assault” hammers from “falling into the wrong hands”. But I suppose that if this murdered man had successfully defended himself and his wife with a gun, that would’ve been another issue for Holder to possibly prosecute for “civil rights” violations.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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