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1981 gun safety

Uhm, this doesn’t look like a good idea.

5 Responses to “1981 gun safety”

  1. Mike V. Says:

    On the positive, I counted at least 4 straight trigger fingers. On the negative, the instructor needs to look up from his chart a sternly correct the 1st kid on the left. At that time though, the 4 rules weren’t well know outside Gunsite.

  2. snoopycomputer Says:

    My how the times have a changed:
    Teacup AND recliner lean.

  3. Bill Twist Says:

    Whaddya mean? That’s a classic “J” shaped ambush formation right there.

  4. Jake Says:

    Like Mike V. said, the 4 rules weren’t that well known at the time. But, in the instructors defense, from the position of the bolt handles that I can make out it does look like they all have the actions open, so nothing is going to fire like that.

    But, yeah. I sure wouldn’t do that.

  5. mikee Says:

    Them are Texas A&M Aggies you see in that there photo.

    As an Aggie myself, I was impressed that the kids hadn’t formed a complete circle around the instructor.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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