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Venn Diagram

Guns and pot

4 Responses to “Venn Diagram”

  1. Steve Says:

    I think that diagram is overly generous on both the guns and pot. Being just as flip, but from the other side, you can carry a gun and smoke a joint in ANY state you damn well choose. The degree of penalty is only relative to the awareness of law enforcement, and those penalties vary dramatically, even in the venn overlap states.

  2. Veeshir Says:

    I saw that and I have to say, AZ scores pretty high (heh).

    Medical marijuana and Constitutional carry.

    Now if we could just get rid of McCain…..

  3. Nooneyouknow Says:

    “Now if we could just get rid of McCain….” and Flake. They both suck.

  4. guy Says:

    Wait, wtf. Illinois?

    Someone’s wishful thinking.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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