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Gun Porn

North Eastern Arms Compact Carbine Stock. Looks cool.

Another bogus belt buckle pistol.

3 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. LKP Says:

    The only belt buckle pistol I have ever seen was a derringer. It was at Frontier Firearms in Kingston a few years ago. My superviser at the time bought one.

  2. emdfl Says:

    Only problem is that that stock is made in Canada and as such falls under ITAR regulations. Bothof which make it pretty much impossible for the company to ship it into the US. So they don’t anymore.
    Which is why Brownells shows it “out of stock”.
    On a side note a friend with a Class 7 mfg. license and I are looking into mfg it (or something similar) here in the States which will pretty much put a sharp stick in ITAR’s eye, heh, heh, heh.

  3. aerodawg Says:

    I agree with emdfl above and add the second problem is the fact is costs an arm and a leg…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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