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All is political

Even comics

Archie dies from a gunshot, protecting is gay, gun-controller friend.

And Thor is now a chick.

10 Responses to “All is political”

  1. Thirdpower Says:

    It goes beyond saving a gay, gun controller friend. More than a few anti-gun talking points fill the issue as well.

    And Thor as a female is one of the stupidest things I’ve seen in comics in the last few decades.

  2. J T Bolt Says:

    Stop a bullet meant for someone that wants to deny Americans their civil rights? Sheesh, is Jughead gonna sacrifice his body for Bull Connor next?

  3. Paul Kisling Says:

    Sounds like Thor spent too much time in Thailand.

    No, JT Jughead is the shooter!!!

  4. The Jack Says:

    Thor as a female at least has some mythological support.

    If it were part of a drunken prank or a scheme to get his hammer back. (Yes that happened in the myths).

    Now the comics had Loki as a woman for a while too.

    Course that has it’s support in the myths as well. Though the comics never had Loki get pregnant, and certainly not give birth to Odin’s horse.

    Yeah, Norse mythology can be weird.

  5. rickn8or Says:


    Next you’re gonna tell me Hobbes is just a stuffed tiger.

  6. aerodawg Says:

    Having been a comic book geek most of my life, the Marvel comics Thor can basically be anyone worthy who picks up the hammer. There’s already been close to a half dozen versions of Thor over the last 40 years including an alien, not to mention that the Norse gods in the Marvel universe are themselves some sort of weird aliens…

  7. Renegade_Azzy Says:

    This about sums it up..

  8. Jake Says:

    Meh. It’s not really Thor, they’re just recycling the Beta Ray Bill / Thunderstrike gimmick again, with some random woman getting the hammer this time around.

  9. HL Says:

    A conservative attempting assassination on a liberal politician is about as far-fetched as a Norse god manifesting…they both belong in the funny books as they don’t occur in the real world.

  10. Beaumont Says:

    Next up in the comics world: Batman realizes he’s actually straight, dumps Robin for Catwoman, and is arrested by Commissioner Gordon for “anti-gay activities”.

    Hey, it’s no odder than the things they’ve already been doing.

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