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Stop helping

Please stop doing this.

6 Responses to “Stop helping”

  1. joe in houston Says:

    Wasn’t me and he needs a slap upside the head. To start…

  2. JTC Says:

    Who took the pics, BabyMama? The child should be removed from them; if they can do this, what else? And screw “brandishing” charges, they should be charged with felony child endangerment. Then when they get out of lockup, they can’t legally buy, possess OC or CC. Then we can hope he takes and posts some more pics.

  3. Paul Kisling Says:

    Pretty sure this the first time this has happened so blatantly.

    Not even gangbangers pose with their guns inside a store except during a robbery.

    An impressive example of brandishing a firearm.

    This guy actually painted the store with his weapon, not just carried it around for everyone to see.

    I don’t hold out much hope for the kid having a bright future. After all she carries the STUPID genes from both parents.

  4. Jim Says:

    Gun in holster does not mean intent. Gun in hand can get you killed.

  5. T Says:

    Wow…do we have some stupid people on our “side”.

    This moron almost makes me wanna send Bloomberg’s moms a check.

    (not really)

  6. Patrick Says:

    The other side gets no forward motion on gun control because frankly, most people don’t care enough to get up and oppose gun rights even if they are in favor gun control.

    But these OC activist jackasses keep playing dumb games in public, and that will cause people to react.

    I don’t hate OC, I just hate OC activists who equate success with giving gun control the one things it desperately needs: a reason to act.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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