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Felons and guns

Two state supreme courts have rejected preserving the rights of felons to own guns.

9 Responses to “Felons and guns”

  1. Ken in NH Says:

    I have never understood the argument for restricting ex-cons. If we can’t trust a person to own and carry a gun, vote, live within X number of feet of children, etc, then why even let them out on the street. Either you have paid your time and reformed or you should still be in. The current system of limbo is just plain stupid and gets innocent people killed or keeps ex-cons from being able to truly make good on their reformation.

  2. KM Says:

    Paid your time & reformed aren’t the same thing.
    The current system isn’t doing a very good job of filtering and we can’t warehouse people forever. Even though that’s what child rapists SHOULD get IMO.
    Someone caught smoking wacky weed for the 4th time?
    (and NOT driving)
    Give them a prescription, not a jail cell.

  3. Adam Lawson Says:

    I agree with Ken. Either someone is still dangerous or they aren’t.

    KM is right, too — stop making everything a felony.

    The word “felon” should mean something. But silly me, expecting our laws to actually be relevant and humane. (Stripping someone of a right for no good reason is inhumane.)

    If you diddle a kid, though… yeah, life sentence, if it’s provable beyond a reasonable doubt. No guns, no vote, no freedom. Too bad we’ve redefined sex offender to “Guy who gets drunk and pees outside when he’s 22.”

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    I remember G.Gordon Liddy of Watergate Infamy doing an interview, where he was asked if he had any Death Threats that he thought were serious. He replied there were a few, and that’s why there was a .357 kept in his Nightstand. The Interviewer said “What a minute. Aren’t you a Convicted Felon? I thought you weren’t allowed to have a gun?” Liddy said “You’re Right, I am a Convicted Felon. But my Wife isn’t. And I can’t help where she choses to store her Revolver.”

  5. Paul Kisling Says:

    If you cannot give a person their rights back after time served what exactly is the point of letting them out of Jail? What do they stand to lose other than the illusion of freedom by committing another crime???

  6. KM Says:

    They stand to lose any time you want pizza deliveries and the right to choose who they live with for starters. Cold beer is on the menu too…

  7. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Isn’t the “time you pay” predicated on reform? If we’re comfortable enough to let them out, we should be comfortable enough to let them all the way out. If they do bad things again, punish them for those. Malum prohibitum laws are all wrong.

  8. Bat Chain Puller Says:

    Restoring voting rights for felons, awesome. Restoring 2nd Amendment rights for felons, not awesome. The former should get more democrats elected. The latter is just some silly self-defense question.

  9. CaptDMO Says:

    But..but…aren’t these the same non-violent felon status folk that NEED to be released from prison, and assigned “welfare of the state” jobs, because “fairness” or something?

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