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Deal Alert

60% off New Balance tactical boots. In other news, New Balance makes tactical boots. I got a couple to try out. I’m a big fan of their shoes because they are quality and made in America.

4 Responses to “Deal Alert”

  1. Other Steve Says:

    Um…. Almost none of the new balances are made in the USA anymore. Extreme few.

    New Balance recently put out a presser saying they would be making more boots in the USA to comply with Barry Amendment for Army. So a line of boots likely good to go, but blanket new balance made in USA is closer to entirely false than the other way around.

  2. bob r Says:

    Almost what Other Steve said but even the boots you link to are from China. They might still have a couple of shoe models that are made in the US but most (almost all) are from China.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Hmm, I was unaware of that. So, they’re commercials are misleading?

  4. Fred Says:

    Got a pair of New Balance black side-zips for work a few months back… damn things never seemed to break in and plain hurt after an 8 hour shift. Sucks because they were priced well and I love my NB running shoes.

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