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Hickenlooper goes dark on guns


9 Responses to “Hickenlooper goes dark on guns”

  1. Ken in NH Says:

    Notice the subtle framing by calling gun control advocates “victims-rights advocates”.

  2. Bill Twist Says:

    It’s not strange, it’s the only option he has left: He passed a very unpopular law, and he got caught in a lie about it, and now he’s looking towards the upcoming election and realizing that he really screwed the pooch on that one. His only hope is that the issue goes away, and talking about it isn’t going to accomplish that.

    So he’s going to shut up about. Only thing he *CAN* do.

  3. mikee Says:

    Finding himself in a rather deep hole, Governor Hickenlooper has apparently stopped digging.

    For now.

    The next shovel full of dirt tossed out of that hole will be met with anger by one or another of the political groups upset at him.

    Perhaps the hole is deep enough for the Governor to simply pull all his dirt in on himself, and lie low for a while.

  4. bluesun Says:

    Has it finally sunk in to his weaselly little brain that he has royally fucked any chances of holding future political office? One could hope.

  5. Lyle Says:

    Poor sod. He got all confused, fucked up in the head, and made a fool by listening to Progressives. It happens a lot.

  6. JTC Says:

    Attributed to (another) mourning father who allowed his liberal views to cheapen his personal loss:

    “Unlike me, there are fathers across the state who were able to spend last Sunday with their son because of the laws we passed to make Colorado safer.”

    I feel for you, sir. I can’t and don’t want to even try to imagine the pain. But only facts are facts, and if you can cite even one instance that your statement is true, I will publicly apologize right here, and in the op-ed section of your local newspaper. I don’t expect that to happen, but I await your response.

  7. KM Says:

    had he known the law would divide the state, he would have reconsidered his support

    So maybe he should have waved that wet finger in the air sooner to gauge public opinion?
    Fucking. Lying. Bastard.

  8. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Schadenfreund Rules!

  9. IllTemperedCur Says:

    So he’s gonna crawl under the covers. Because everyone knows that if you hide under the woobie, the boogeyman can’t get you.

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