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Fargo finale (spoiler alert)

Did not expect that. Killing off the two most interesting TeeVee characters since Boyd Crowder and Raylan Givens. The next season will be fantastic or totally suck.

7 Responses to “Fargo finale (spoiler alert)”

  1. Gregg Says:

    We are assuming Lester died, can’t see how he could survive. I wonder why we like characters with no redeeming qualities (like some of my relatives). Good show looking forward to more.

  2. HL Says:

    It was billed as a one season run from the beginning. Last night was the Series Finale. The show was great, BTW.

  3. SD3 Says:


  4. Paul Says:

    As far as I am considered Lester and Malvo got what they richly deserved and Gus is the hero of the day (it took guts to wait in that house, with a six shot revolver, for a super killer to return, one you are scared to death of but you MUST protect your family.) And Molly of pushing so hard to solve the case. She just would not quit.

    And Apropos to Lou Solverson who got his shotgun to protect the very same people Gus was protecting (and Greta for fetching her BB gun to help Lou! She would shoot Malvo in the eye and Lou could finish him off!)

    My only real sadness was the murder of Chief Vern Thurman. He was a real good family man.

  5. Kevin Baker Says:

    So George R.R. Martin wrote the season finale?

  6. Jason Says:

    Totally okay with this season being its own self-contained story. I also dug how Lester turned out to almost be more of a monster than Lorne. Him putting his coat on his second wife was SAVAGE.

  7. TiC Says:

    Apparently, each season is meant to follow a completely different story with a new cast.

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