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Pin the convenient political ideology on the nut job

keepin’ up with the Bob Joneses.

Let me try: a couple of socialists go nuts and we must tread on insurrectionists?

See, that’s easy.

8 Responses to “Pin the convenient political ideology on the nut job”

  1. The Jack Says:

    Ooh! Ooh!

    “Environmentalists go on a rampage! Fear dire consequences of Rampant Pollution.”

    Or “Mmrijuana legalization advocates kill policemen in revenge for persecution!”

  2. The Jack Says:

    As I’ve said before: The handy thing about constantly calling wolf. Is that *eventually* a wolf will show up.

  3. Wes S. Says:

    A swastika and a Gadsden flag. One of those things is not like the other.

    Not that I expect media tools and presstitutes to recognize the difference…or admit it if they do.

  4. The Jack Says:

    Interstingly the CNN analysis (from their webpage) is that the intent of the Nazi flag was to say that it was the cops that were Nazis.

    Now, given how these mutants railed against the police (for the husband’s drug convictions) that is possible. But also given that they were apparently white supremicists it was also possible that they supported Nazi ideas.

    It’s also possible that both are true. When you have a convicted felon, complete with ankle bracelet repeatedly and publically brag about his firearms and his murder plans, logic may not be a strong suit.

  5. Linoge Says:

    And while all of the speculation – and, eventually, the facts – may be interesting from an analytic point of view, the simple truth remains that hundreds/thousands/millions of people with the same political/social/economic leanings as these two blithering morons did not shoot any cops yesterday, and depriving those hundreds/thousands/millions of people of their Constitutionally-protected rights because of these two blithering morons is wrong.

    That will not stop the usual useful idiots from trying, though.

  6. Austrian Anarchy Says:

    The eco-terrorist group from the 1970s, RISE, is called “Right Wing” today. Why? Because they wanted to create a Master Race of environmental stewards. People they did not personally vaccinate against the biological agents they were preparing were not of sufficient environmental care to their taste.

    One of them died in a Cuban prison. They fled to Cuba after making bond and hijacking a charter tour aircraft. The one who lived through Cuban prison, Stephen Pera, returned to the US and was given five years’ probation. Not sure what happened to Pera, but my best guess is he is a professor somewhere.

  7. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Heaven forbid the proglodytes admit that fascism/naziism are leftard ideologies.

  8. Ellen Says:

    Ooohh, oohh! Two lovely words in one comment column! ‘Presstitute’ and ‘proglodyte’ are immediately obvious, though there are none so deaf as those who will not hear.

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