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Cantor lost

AP says, in a stunning upset, the establishment guy lost to a tea party challenger. Cantor is A rated by NRA. Looks like Cantor probably lost due to push back on his support for the immigration bill.

Cantor’s internal polling had him at a 34 point lead.

Let’s see what establishment Washington does.

24 Responses to “Cantor lost”

  1. Stretch Says:

    Right now their wetting themselves in Richmond, D.C., and RNC headquarters.

  2. J T Bolt Says:

    I guess the voters are kinda serious about this whole ‘No-Amnesty’ thing.

  3. Cargosquid Says:

    As a constituent of Cantor’s…..may I be the first to say…


    Of course, NOW he’s dangerous. As a lame duck, he’ll be pushing all the programs that we don’t want.

  4. J T Bolt Says:

    Oh, and, also…

    THE TEA PARTY IS DEAD! THAT’S WHY – what? whadaya mean Cantor lost the primary? you can’t be serious!

  5. rickn8or Says:

    Cargosquid, better let a professional handle that.

    Next question is, does the GOP support the nominee that defeated Cantor or not?

    I’m thinking “not”, similar to the VA Gov race.

  6. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    We don’t need no steenkin party support…

  7. Dano Says:

    Lots of retirements and now this. Wanna bet the amnesty push gets harder and louder?

  8. rich Says:


  9. rickn8or Says:

    That’s what I’m wondering Dano; does the GOP back away from it, or are they going to go full-tilt boogie to get it passed now?

  10. Paul Says:

    Yep.. I bet a bunch of RINOs and Democrats in toss up states and having a sleepless night.

    All I can say is… 2014

  11. mekender Says:

    They are already calling the guy that won an “insurrectionist” and an “insurgent”

  12. rickn8or Says:

    mekender, they call him an “insurrectionist” or an “insurgent”; I call him a “freedom fighter.”

  13. Gerry Says:

    CNN and MSNBC will now say Cantor was a great legislator.

  14. Cargosquid Says:

    Here’s something that I’ve noticed. EVERYONE is calling this a Tea Party victory. The Dems are pushing it for fund raising. FOX is pushing it as cheerleading for the TEA Party.

    NO Tea Party group helped. No endorsements. No organizing. No organized fund raising.

    The truth is that Brat won this by appealing to the voters and THEY kicked the bum out.

    THAT is what is scaring the incumbents.

  15. Heather Says:

    “Let’s see what establishment Washington does.”

    Hmm, probably something along the lines of insert FBI agent into winning candidate’s staff, have covert agent do all sorts of idiotic stuff to tar and feather said candidate until he loses the election to a write in candidate…

  16. Geodkyt Says:

    People were rarely voting FOR Brat — they were voting AGAINST Cantor.

    In addition to the amnesty thing, and despite his NRA “A” rating, Cantor was hated and mistrusted by most every one of his constituents who votes @nd Amendment first, because of his arrogant hostility to peacefully and lawfully armed citizens. (For example, year after year, despite being told directly and repeatedly, he INSISTED on holding VA GOP activities in gun-free zones, even when informed of equivalent (or sometimes superior) venues in the same area that were not Psychopath Hunting Preserves.

  17. JKB Says:

    The WSJ is all atwitter because he once mentioned that a Hitler could rise again….in an article for a theology journal

    But here’s the passage that got them excited. Pull this an use it as a policy statement and you’ll find support:

    Capitalism is here to stay, and we need a church model that corresponds to that reality. Read Nietzsche. Nietzsche’s diagnosis of the weak modern Christian democratic man was spot on. Jesus was a great man. Jesus said he was the Son of God. Jesus made things happen. Jesus had faith. Jesus actually made people better. Then came the Christians. What happened? What went wrong? We appear to be a bit passive. Hitler came along, and he did not meet with unified resistance. I have the sinking feeling that it could all happen again, quite easily. The church should rise up higher than Nietzsche could see and prove him wrong. We should love our neighbor so much that we actually believe in right and wrong, and do something about it. If we all did the right thing and had the guts to spread the word, we would not need the government to backstop every action we take….

    Can Christians force others to follow their ethical teachings on social issues? Note that consistency is lacking on all sides of this issue. The political Right likes to champion individual rights and individual liberty, but it has also worked to enforce morality in relation to abortion, gambling, and homosexuality. The Left likes to think of itself as the bulwark of progressive liberal individualism, and yet it seeks to progressively coerce others to fund every social program under the sun via majority rule. Houston, we have a problem. Coercion is on the rise. What is the root word for liberalism? (Answer: Liberty)….

    It does not mean that the State alone uses violence, but it does mean that when push comes to shove, the State will win in a battle of wills. If you refuse to pay your taxes, you will lose. You will go to jail, and if you fight, you will lose. The government holds a monopoly on violence. Any law that we vote for is ultimately backed by the full force of our government and military. Do we trust institutions of the government to ensure justice? Is that what history teaches us about the State? Or do we live in particularly lucky and fortunate times where the State can be trusted to do minimal justice? The State’s budget is currently about $3 trillion a year. Do you trust that power to the political Right? Do you trust it to the Left? If you answered “no” to either question, you may have a major problem in the future.

    Note, that wasn’t a politically crafted statement but from an article in an obscure theology journal in 2011.

  18. Lyle Says:

    I wouldn’t be celerating just yet. There’s still the general election, and at this point both the Democrats and the Republicans will be working on Brat’s defeat.

  19. JKB Says:


    True, but as a Congressman, Brat can be shoved into the back row. But for now, he is a lesson for Democrats and Republicans in DC. In any case, the Republicans would have to purposely throw away a seat no one sees as likely to change parties. That would be a deeper indictment of the establishment Republicans than anything so far.

  20. Standard Mischief Says:

    I hate to ruin the circlejerk, but what are the odds that a lot of Dems crossed over to vote in the (R) primary?

    1. VA has open primaries

    2. It doesn’t look like there was a Democratic primary at all for VA’s 7th district.

  21. Standard Mischief Says:

    more at HuffPo

  22. Cargosquid Says:

    The Dem candidate announced at the deadline.

    the 7th is a strong GOP district.

    Three precincts that voted for Obama voted for Brat. The huge margin of win, though, did not make that necessary. The turnout was HUGE for a primary.

    If Dems want to elect MORE conservative Republicans than the ones that we have…… more please.

  23. Chris Says:

    Next up, Thad Cochran and Lamar Alexander.

  24. Standard Mischief Says:

    >The Dem candidate announced at the deadline.

    I’m not sure what that means. Maybe you mean the election in November will include a (D) and a (R)?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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