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Open Carry Texas and gun safety

Hey, let’s leave our rifles laying about unattended, ready to fall, and with the safety off.

9 Responses to “Open Carry Texas and gun safety”

  1. NotClauswitz Says:

    I’m inclined to view this as Lagniappe does: “These clowns have to be paid anti-gunners trying to discredit the rest of us…they just have to be.”
    Since nobody gun-rational has actually been seen in attendance at one of these hootenannys, it could it be a false-flag operation.

  2. MattW Says:

    I highly doubt these are so called “false-flag” operations. More likely, as taken from the recent pics, they are a bunch of guys who play lots of Call of Duty and decided to buy a Mossberg 500 Predator or a DPMS AR and have never actually attended any sort of firearms training. Then they feel like they belong to something as their armchair douchebaggery spills over into real life events instead of screaming “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” on the interwebz.

  3. HL Says:

    In fairness, an unchambered, uncocked, AR can’t have the safety engaged. You have to charge it (though you can do so with no round present) to engage the safety.

    I agree with the other points though.

  4. Austrian Anarchy Says:

    They could be a bunch of newly minted Soldiers, from what I saw just before I wrapped up 30 years of service. Hell, if they were older they could be 1980s vintage California ROTC students. The ones who would test if their weapon was on “safe” at night by pulling the trigger. Don’t say squeeze either, they never did it that way.

  5. mikee Says:

    Despite disagreements over the utility/futility of the OC protests, all gun rights supporters can, and should, gleefully pounce upon two things regarding the protesters:



    When Texas finally passes OC for handguns, I expect the blogosphere to explode with “OC Handguns of the People of Walmart” and similar hijinks.

  6. Lyle Says:

    “In fairness, an unchambered, uncocked, AR can’t have the safety engaged.”

    True. Thank you. I tend to keep my ARs in that condition. The idea is that you know it’s unloaded because the lever won’t move into the safe position– It indicates the hammer being down on an empty chamber. Seems to me that’s safer than having the hammer cocked, and maybe a round in the chamber, with the lever on safe, Range safety Nazis notwithstanding. But looking at a photo you don’t know one way or the other, so cool your jets.

    You could argue that this is a design flaw in the AR (and the AK is the same in that regard) but generally no one talks about it.

    A friend who was in the Army told me that when turning in a weapon, it was checked to see that the safety would NOT go into the safe position, indicating hammer down, chamber empty.

  7. Montieth Says:

    Wait, closed bolt, empty chamber safety off is LESS safe than closed bolt hammer back on a loaded chamber with the safety on?

    This is VERY odd thinking in my mind. It takes a far more deliberate action to to chamber around than it does to flip a safety.

  8. Richard Says:

    “In fairness, an unchambered, uncocked, AR can’t have the safety engaged. You have to charge it (though you can do so with no round present) to engage the safety.”

    I have to think that the original person linked knew this but it gets in the way of the narrative. A simple cite of Rule One would be adequate but then it would have to be applied to other people.

  9. Geodkyt Says:

    Ryan – They had magazines inserted, bolts closed, safeties off.

    From all appearances, they were LOADED.

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