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Heather Digby Parton is bringing the creation science because she doesn’t like the second amendment. And we’re the ones with the “fringe ideology”.

5 Responses to “Denialist”

  1. Michael Giles Says:

    Just wow. Never heard of this person before but now that I am aware of her I can steer clear of her crazy bubble. Just as a point of reference for her though, the Supreme Court made several rulings on this issue going “all the way” back to…1875 when the Court in US v. Cruikshank held the right was not conferred by the 2nd Amendment because it predated the constitution. In 1886 in Presser v. Ill. the Court held the right was an individual one, not a collective issue associated with militia or military service. And we cannot forget that in the Dred Scott Decision (all the way back in 1857) the Court opined that if all African Americans were citizens they could, among other rights associated with citizenship, possess and carry firearms wherever they went in the country. Now I will give her credit on one point, it was not until 2008 that the conservatives on the Court finally realized that the liberals in this country all failed at logic and history and finally felt they needed to issue a holding directly on the question of the 2nd Amendment protecting an inalienable right rather just saying “It’s a right” in dicta where the meaning could be twisted in Salon magazine.

  2. The Jack Says:

    How about that she sticks her thumbs in her ears and hums really loud that Heller and MacDonald never happened.

    All while fetting how great Stevens is

  3. HL Says:

    Was she the writer for “Branded” what appeared in the iron lung in The Big Lebowski?

  4. HL Says:

    Also…denialist? Fuck me…say what you will about,the tenants of national socialism…at least it’s an ethos…

  5. mikee Says:

    Well, now I don’t have to worry that when Joan Peterson stops writing her blog, there won’t be anyone able to take over her illogical ranting.

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