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Silencer Juice

Anyone tried it?

3 Responses to “Silencer Juice”

  1. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    I was wondering what would happen if you put in jello instead of water, if it would work better/longer or just make a mess. May try some of this after the Mother-may-I’s.

  2. one-eyed Jack Says:

    I use one part water soluble cutting oil mixed with 10 parts tap water. That’s probably what that is. Jack.

  3. James Pierce Says:

    I’ve been class 2 For over 22 years. I invented Silencerjuice it is pat pending. There is a few you tube videos on it. It is not cutting oil, not a gel, not water. It cools 6 x better than water , helps clean as you shoot ,is takes care of the nitric acids , reduces flash and db. Since last April I have sold over 1000 bottles, Many have reorderd , and so far not one negitive comment from any sold.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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