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Another mass shooting but it’s largely also a mass stabbing

While I was out, some idiot decided to drive around parts of Cali shooting at people. After he’d stabbed some people. Coming from an anti-gun background, it’s no surprise he knew guns gave thugs an advantage. And the usual litany of blaming everyone but the psycho doing the shooting is in full effect. Blame the NRA. Blame the pick up artists. Blame anyone that is politically expedient instead of the shooter.

And why did he kill all those people? Because he couldn’t get laid. Having watched about 15 seconds of that, it’s pretty clear why he never got laid.

I await the calls for banning knives.

7 Responses to “Another mass shooting but it’s largely also a mass stabbing”

  1. Jailer Says:

    Amazing that you can kill an equal number of people by stabbing as you shoot and it’s still a mass shooting.

  2. Adam Lawson Says:

    What would they do if he ONLY stabbed people?

    My guess: Not mention it.

  3. The Jack Says:

    Not only that Jailer, but those being stabbed will be counted as being shot. Note the “6 dead in drive by shooting” that’s floating about.

    Adam: odds are we’ll eventually find out. My bet is the antis would have still called this a mass shooting if he had killed 2 with a gun and 4 with a knife.

  4. Chris from AK Says:

    I’ve kind of stopped giving an F about these things when they happen in anti-gun states.

    I’m sure some innocents get wrapped up in these incidents, but at the end of the day, I have a hard time getting worked up over Tories fighting it out (and losing) to Indians.

    It is a broken record. Here’s the equation:
    (Crazy Dude that everyone knows is a problem or Career Criminal) + (Gun Free Zone or Gun Ban State) = Body Count.

    At least the victims could “feel safe” all the way up until they died. In one news account, a girl that took fire says she assumed that the perp just had an air gun so she kept be-bopping along cluelessly. “Feeling safe” trumped survival instict, I guess.

    At least it is Tories and their kids getting killed by these whackjobs, not us and ours. Rarely do you see a mass shooting in a gun store, at the range, or so on. Being the anecdote John Lott’s data shows pretty conclusively that the anti-gun GFZs are violent crime magnets.

  5. JTC Says:

    I am sure that any moment now, one of the MSM heads will realize and offer commentary in somber tones to the effect that, “if just one of the roommates had been legally carrying a firearm, he might have saved the others from having their heads bashed with a hammer and their throats slashed with a knife, not to mention all the later victims…everybody knows you don’t take a hammer/knife to a gunfight.”

    Aaany moment now.

    Of course in real-world Cali (if there is such a thing), that roommate hero would himself be the focus of calls to get the crazies out of their midst, that all the hammer/knife wielder needed was some understanding and counseling, and they’d have themselves a brand-new posterboy for eliminating eeevil firearms from the midst of the innocents.

  6. KM Says:

    We need a Henckles/Estwing Safety Act to regulate those evil knives and hammers.
    Might as well throw in a BMW Assault Vehicle Ban too.
    If only California had some laws to discourage this sort of thing…

    My heart aches for any parent that loses a child.
    But put that blame squarely where it belongs – the (almost) human – not the objects used.

  7. Matthew Carberry Says:

    IN his manifesto as printed at CNN he apparently looked at a festival called “Deltopia” but decided against targeting it due to there being too many cops who might shoot him before he could kill enough.

    A mass-murderer’s own words proving he deliberately chose an area with a lower likelihood of “good guys with guns.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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