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Live free or there

She chose free. Good job getting out of MA.

7 Responses to “Live free or there”

  1. Patrick Says:

    Good for them. Hope they are happy.

    However, not all of us will leave “Occupied America”. I resent the implication that gun owners should all pick up and move to places that claim to like gun owners.

    So a kind and respectful word from a guy behind the lines: not all of us are fucking dolts who like being beaten down and threatened by the government daily. We are not masochists. Some of us just refuse to abandon our lives to the assholes who deny our rights.

    The implication that gun owners in anti-gun states deserve their shit is tiring. I can turn this around pretty easily: some of us stay and fight; some of us run away.

    See how that works? See how that kind of talk divides?

    Either we’re a team, or a bunch of jackasses that laugh at those who have it worse than we do. I prefer the former. I don’t think people who move away are cowards, because life is bigger than a single issue. But at some point all the subtle (and not-so-subtle) jibes about not knowing how to vote, or organize, or whatever are just plain tiring.

    So cut the condescension. Those of us in the occupied states don’t want pity or scorn – we just want to win the fight, no matter how hard it is. And we fight. We are the only resistance the gun community has, because most of you live in states where wearing an NRA hat is the best you need to put out. When push comes to shove, the fact is those of us in the ‘occupied states’ are the ones who know how to fight from the trenches.

    When the national legislature considers passing anti-gun laws, who do you want leading the fight: ‘lobbyists’ from states where everyone claims to love guns; or die-hard battle-tested people from the occupied side who know how to perform intel and fight with blood on their hands?

    Because if you think you are safe in your so-called “Free State”, you are deluded. They are coming for you, too.

    Next time someone wants to get on their snark, remember: liberty is not won in the free territories – it is won in the dark ones. Our Founders did not get a ticker-tape parade when they signed the Declaration. Their families were hunted, imprisoned and killed.

    We are no Thomas Jeffersons, but we’ll be damned if the people we fight for think us idiots.

  2. Ron W Says:

    Patrick, from relatively gun-free Tennessee, well said!!

    Even here, many of our gun laws violate the Tennessee Constitution’s Declaration of Rights. Our hangun carry permit is UNLAWFUL in that it violates Article I, Section 26 of the State Constitution and it is UNLAWFUL to require a permit to exercise a right!

    Everywhere in our country, “the price of liberty is eternal vigilance” to force governments, state and federal, to obey their delegated powers (which are always from the greater to the lesser) and to stop them from violating and infringing our declared, enumerated rights.

  3. Ron W Says:

    meant to say “gun friendly” Tennessee

  4. NotClauswitz Says:

    I just moved to a shall-issue County where I could get a state-wide CCW permit. Ha!
    Regulatory Capture means we have to stay in CA because the wife’s University Retirement Benefits offer ~FREE~ healthcare (and NOT Obamacare, but me-spouse is 80% covered), as long as we’re in CA.
    So, no movin’ to Hawaii besides which there’s no CCW there, yet.

  5. Patrick Says:

    Thanks guys. Just sick of this attitude that we should cede territory and rights to the other side in some places. Face it: if we give them any territory at all, we acknowledge this is not a real right and then all territory is open ground.

    Do the people of Florida, Tennessee and Arizona know how hard the people of California, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and Maryland, etc. work for them?

    There would be no “right” (via Heller/McDonald) were it not for those who are in the trenches. It’s as if the people in shall-issue states really think SCOTUS would just stand and affirm on their own that, “you know, the whole gun self-defense thing is cool with us.”

    Some of us in the may-issue states have given up jobs, family lives and been hauled into state police headquarters and interrogated by the AG’s office because of our work. Next time some jackass spouts off on how those of us in /Name That May Issue State/ are all idiots for putting up with it, ask them if they have their name on a “Be On The Lookout” list from the state police and if their entire life was rifled through because of their political beliefs. Have they lost an entire year’s income because of their stand on the issue? Or do they just scream “Molon Labia!” from the comfort of their gun-safe district?

    It would be easier to just move to Florida. But fuck that, and fuck those who think we should. Those people in free states should be reaching out to the state orgs in may-issue states and offering help, not condescension.

    Sorry. Enough. Rant over.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    I agree to a point. Sometimes, though, you kind of realize that you’re not going to win there. Regroup and move later.

  7. Patrick Says:

    We won’t win at the state level, for sure. Our goal now is to document and highlight the idiocies for the federal legislative and judiciary. I know…nothing sure there , either. But it’s what we got. Keep in mind Heller was “doomed to fail”, and that came from DC.

    I do think the right kind of concerted push at the right time (in the right conditions) will make national carry a reality. Frankly the biggest impediment we have is going to be the GOP establishment types. They love the 2A when it splits people up, but I am not sure they will want to actually protect it.

    That said, good timing will force some chips to be cashed. I hope.

    Maybe I was a bit harsh above, and I don’t mean to bemoan the state of others. I actually own a house in “free territory” but am staying put for now. I hope everyone enjoys what they have, and as I explained to my wife the other day, “everyone should live in a place where they are happy.”

    If happiness is a civil rights void, then I hope my neighbors enjoy Cuba.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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