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I know that feeling

Kevin says, well, goodbye. Well, sort of. He’s got shit to do and other things to worry about other than the decline of western culture and america. I’m kind of in the phase where, while I pay attention to it, I’m going on living my life and not worrying all that much about it. I’m more chronicling it than trying to do any thing about it anymore. Enjoying the decline, as it were.

5 Responses to “I know that feeling”

  1. Brick Says:

    But the children!!!

  2. mike w. Says:

    I feel much the same way as you and Kevin do, and I’m not even 30 yet…… sigh.

  3. divemedic Says:

    It is a mathematical certainty. The country as we know it will fail. No politician is capable of even suggesting we change our fiscal policy without being run out of office.

  4. Sebastian Says:

    Yeah, it’s getting old, for sure. After a while you feel like you’ve said everything that there is to say on a topic. And it’s not like the other side is doing anything different. They recycle the same arguments, strategy and tactics.

    There’s also the fact that commercial players have changed everything in blogging. Because they have a very strong incentive to not link outside sources, it’s very hard for a blogging community to survive, and the community also helped keep things interesting.

    I’m going to try to hold on until the end of the Obama Administration, but maybe not. I’d be very reluctant to take this hobby into another job. I’m kind of tired of having two jobs, one that I get paid for, and one that I really don’t.

  5. NotClauswitz Says:

    Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think..!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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