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Art of the mag flip

For only the operatingest of operators:

9 Responses to “Art of the mag flip”

  1. Paul Kisling Says:

    Mothers against guns would probably think this is real.

  2. SPQR Says:

    Wait Whut?

  3. Paul Says:


    Just send Mothers against guns (MAG for short.. how ironic) an email with a link to that film and warn them about those boomerang mags that must be banned!

    Yes BOOMERANG MAGS! Untold number of people have been killed and maimed by these clips (yea yea I know they are called something else but those at MAG would consider the word clip as being savvy.)

    Tell them we must ban BOOMERANG MAGS! Do it for the children.

    Then sit back with popcorn and wait for the reaction.

  4. emdfl Says:

    That explains the perpose of increasing the round count of mags. The more rounds the deeper the curve; the deeper the curve; the better the aerodynamics for the boomerang flip.

  5. Cargosquid Says:

    Increasing the round count also increases the mass so that the impact is MUCH greater. Doing that boomerang flip is most effective when FULL mags are used.

  6. nk Says:

    I’m not sure that trick photography was not used in some of those scenes.

  7. Noah D Says:

    I do this all the time…on the XBox. 🙂

    (Actually, it’s fun to watch the various reload animations. The AK has the ‘whack the old mag out with the new’ and the FAL one I still can’t figure out…)

  8. Lyle Says:

    I couldn’t understand half the words, but the imagery alone is pretty good.

  9. SPQR Says:

    nk, hater.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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