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Quote of the day

Heard on the radio: “Al Gore said global warming moved the Bermuda Triangle to Malaysia”

3 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. wildriver Says:

    Well, I say we invade Malaysia and take our damned triangle back!!!! Just who the hell do these people think they’re messing with? Yeah by Gawd, lets just hand’em their ass.!

  2. Gerry Says:

    Didn’t Al Gore invent Malaysia while writing Love Story?

  3. Gun Blobber Says:

    One for your “Layers of Editorial Oversight” file:

    “In December, Aguilar purchased a single-barrel shotgun at United Gun Shop, along with a box of bucketshot (large and lethal) and birdshot (small and round) ammunition.” For all those times when you need to shoot buckets?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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