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Ben Carson: No Thanks

Someone who is anti-gun doesn’t get my support either.

4 Responses to “Ben Carson: No Thanks”

  1. mikee Says:

    I lived in Baltimore, where Ben Carson worked as a neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins, for a decade. I met him. My wife went there for her residency and worked on patients of his.

    I would suggest that his stellar acceptance on many aspects of conservatism but his failure on gun rights is a result of conditioning through living in ultra blue Bawlmer, working at ultra blue JH, and lacking exposure to any other thinking on the subject than Bloombergian.

  2. A$$hole Says:

    Ya have to wonder what his stance in on other civil rights

  3. Crawler Says:

    Hmmm…looks like he’ll fit right in with the likes of Christie..

  4. Lyle Says:

    We’ve had more than our fill of that nonsensical thinking (“I’m all for liberty and stuff, BUT…”). It’s what got us to this sorry point in American history and therefore it’ll never get us out of it.

    You can forgive the guy, but don’t ever elect him.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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