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Building a Live-Ammo-Firing Han Solo Blaster

Well, why the Hell not?

5 Responses to “Building a Live-Ammo-Firing Han Solo Blaster”

  1. Linoge Says:

    Well crap. I just got a lead on a Broomhandle I was planning on doing that to. Someone beat me to it :(.

  2. Bobby Says:

    Aww man, Greedo’s gonna get it now!

  3. nk Says:

    I have a serious (well kind of) bleg. Does anybody know if Dzerzhinsky’s Mauser was a C96 or a Model 1914? I came across it in a Soviet joke and it’s been bugging me.

  4. mikee Says:

    Inquiring minds now want to hear the joke, please.

  5. nk Says:

    A quartet of Russian violinists returns from an international competition. One of them was honored with the opportunity to play a Stradivarius violin, and cannot stop bragging about it. The violinist who came bottom grunts: “What’s so special about that?” The first one thinks for a minute: “Let me put it to you this way: just imagine that you were given the chance to fire a couple of shots from Dzerzhinsky’s Mauser…”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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