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Beretta sounds off

Ugo Gussalli Beretta says that they left MD due to their gun laws:

In return for our investment in jobs, facilities and assistance to the local economy, we ask for respect and a supportive business climate.

We deserve such respect. We make the standard sidearm for the U.S. armed forces. We also make firearms that police and consumers use to save their lives and the lives of others.

We also make sporting firearms that are enjoyed by tens of millions of people worldwide, from Olympic shooters to weekend hunters.

Our business has grown in recent years, and because of that, we needed to expand production in our U.S facility, located in Accokeek, just outside of Washington, D.C., in the Maryland suburbs.

Unfortunately, as we were planning that expansion, Maryland’s governor and legislature voted in favor of new regulations that unfairly attack products we make and that our customers want.

Job killing Democrats. And, in VA, the election of Terry McAuliffe as governor likely ruled out VA as the location for the new facility.

One Response to “Beretta sounds off”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    >In return for our investment in jobs, facilities and assistance to the local economy, we ask for respect and a supportive business climate.

    You know, talk like that reminds me of that “social contract”, “you didn’t build that” and all that crat. Screw the state of Maryland, they should have left a decade ago.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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