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Shocker: Kids are curious

Seems if you put a gun or two among a bunch of toys, kids will touch it. The irresponsible journalism of handing kids guns aside, this shouldn’t be shocking. Kids are curious. Guns are cool. So, yeah, they touch them.

Meanwhile, here’s their nonsensical piece on shaming err asking other parents if they have guns in the home. None of your damned business.

5 Responses to “Shocker: Kids are curious”

  1. Paul Kisling Says:

    You know if they planted razor blades with the candy they would touch those too…

  2. Nancy R. Says:

    You know … if anybody asks me if I keep loaded guns in my house, because Special Snowflake isn’t allowed over if I do, I’m going to ask if Special Snowflake can keep their booger hooks to themselves. Because if they don’t know enough to ask to ask before they touch what doesn’t belong to them, I don’t want them in the house anyway.

  3. Pol Mordreth Says:

    Thankfully, we have the reverse here. We recently had a sleepover for one of my younger daughters. All the parents asked if we could include a gun safety brief since they all know I carry and we have guns. Some of them don’t, so they asked us to teach the kids. At the ages we had over, I gave a basic Eddie Eagle style gun safety lecture, and the next morning all the kids still remembered the rules.

  4. guy Says:

    I have a feeling they’re mostly shocked that schooling hasn’t completely killed any and all inquisitiveness out of the kiddies.

  5. mikee Says:

    I have seen my own kids giving gun safety lectures to their playmates, very seriously, while playing with stick rifles.

    Apparently the lessons sunk in deep with my kids.

    If kids are coming over to my home, where a Pediatrician with years of ER experience lives, and the parents don’t think the kids will be safe, I feel sorry for the kids and appalled at the parents insecurity.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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