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Super bowl fail

Manning let me down.

Seinfeld let me down.

If Flea can’t hold a sock on his Johnson, total let down. 

6 Responses to “Super bowl fail”

  1. precision270 Says:

    I just posted a similar comment. I ranted a little more. Hated the Coke commercial and BORING game.

  2. blounttruth Says:

    LMAO, we were talking about how much excess clothing he wore, and the sock was mentioned, classic!

  3. orbitup Says:

    I had to explain the sock thing to my wife at halftime.

  4. nk Says:

    I have no clue what you guys are talking about.

    Q: How do you know somebody didn’t watch the Super Bowl?
    A: Don’t worry, he’ll tell you.

  5. Crunkomatic Says:

    I saw a bunch of 20somethings and younger say that RHCP should do the whole show and were very excited by the prospect of such a thing.

    I felt bad because I hated to tell them that RHCP hasn’t been good for 15+ years.

  6. Bobby Says:

    RHCP didn’t even get to plug their guitars in.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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