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First Ruger says it’s pulling guns from Cali. And now, S&W will pull the M&P.

8 Responses to “Another”

  1. BGMiller Says:

    Will they still sell to LEOs or will they follow Mr. Barrett’s example?


  2. Chas Says:

    Rape California.
    I lived there for a year – got my first real taste of firearms freedom there. 10-day waiting period, delivered securely wrapped, and the handgun you bought and paid for was yours – no need to beg a government official for a conditional license to own one, and wait six months to get it, as in New York State.
    The right of the people to keep or bear arms, shall be infringed – infringement will happen. It has happened. What are going to do about that?
    I imagine that Charleton Heston, were he still with us, might say, “Well, Mr. American gun owner, you might just get off your fat ass and vote. You just might do that. If you really do care.”
    What are you going to do? Might you really care?
    Might you?

  3. Paul Says:

    I hope California is left arming their cops with Bryco .32s (if they are legal there.)

  4. J T Bolt Says:

    I wonder what Kimber will do.

  5. Scotty Says:

    Bryco’s are not on “the list”.

    The list, btw, brought about, I believe, by the same genius in the video a few posts down.

  6. Jeffersonian Says:

    California says” Fu*k you reality.”

    Reality says “No Kalifornia.”, “Fu#k you.” You stupid fu#k.”

    Don’t think for a minute that Kalifornia’s stupid approval list wasn’t exactly intended to create this exact situation.

    They won’t “ban” your gun. They’ll just make it impossible to sell there.

    It isn’t “their” fault the evil manufacturer won’t sell you a gun.


    Cue Doctor evil.

  7. Old NFO Says:

    Yep, defacto ban…

  8. Geodkyt Says:

    It only means anything if they also refuse to sell to cops and the state and local governments in California.

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