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Bondhus Arms CL380: Like the Palm Pistol only with two shots and two barrels

Remember the Palm Pistol, which was amusing because it could be bought with Medicaid?

Well, here’s a double barreled .380 that looks similar.

5 Responses to “Bondhus Arms CL380: Like the Palm Pistol only with two shots and two barrels”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    Hard to get excited about the device with no photos to show even how it’s loaded, drawn or fired. Even harder when that website seizes your browser so you can’t even back out of it.

    Two thumbs down.

  2. Oleg Volk Says:

    I have photos of it in use, will post them in about a week.

  3. Bondhus Arms Says:

    The web site is just getting started, more pictures and videos will be coming soon. This Gun was designed from the ground up for as a conceal carry hand gun designed to be safe compact and accurate. We will be adding more data to the web site please check back from time to time.

  4. mikee Says:

    And in a deep grave, Mr. Derringer’s rate of rotation just increased by a few rpm, because he thought making a two shot palm pistol required a shape like a pistol.

  5. kmorrow Says:

    When and where will it be available? What is price?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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